
Ukrainian security forces shot down three Russian drones over the Nikopol district

 • 28010 переглядiв

Ukrainian troops shot down three Russian drones over Nikopol, and the area was subjected to massive artillery fire, no casualties were reported.

Three Russian UAVs shot down air defense forces in the sky over Nikopol Dnipropetrovsk region on the night of November 30. This was announced by the chairman Dnepropetrovsk ОВА Sergey Lysak, reports UNN.


Russian troops also hit the area with heavy artillery. The Marganets community was shelled. There were no fatalities or injuries.

Read also: 101 military clashes occurred over the past day – General Staff

The invaders also attacked the area with heavy artillery. Shelled The marganets community. People are unharmed. At night, an air alert warned residents of our region – there is a threat. However, fortunately, in the rest of the territories there were no strikes, "Lysak wrote.

written by Lysak.

Lilia Podolyak



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