
Ukraine wins second consecutive victory at the World Ice Hockey Championship

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The Ukrainian national ice hockey team has won its second victory at the 2024 World Cup in Division 1B, defeating the Netherlands 4-0 and continuing to lead the standings.

The Ukrainian national team has won its second victory at the World Championship in Division 1B. The Ukrainians beat the Netherlands 4-0. This was reported by UNN with reference to the Ukrainian Hockey Federation.


In the second match of the tournament, the opponents were the Netherlands, a team that the Ukrainians beat at the 2023 World Cup with a score of 14:2, the largest score in 13 years at that time.

The Ukrainians opened the scoring in the eighth minute of the match. Pylyp Pangelov-Yuldashev struck a shot from mid-range, which became a goal.

In the middle of the first period, the match was technically interrupted due to ice problems. The break lasted almost half an hour, after which the teams returned to play for 20 minutes.

After the second victory, Ukraine continues to lead the 2024 World Championships in the IP division, ahead of both China and Lithuania, which also won two victories, thanks to a better goal differential.


The Ukrainians played their first game on Saturday, defeating Estonia 8-0.  The Ukrainians are currently unbeaten, but matches with direct competitors are still ahead.

Україна розгромила Болгарію з рахунком 9:1 у першому матчі жіночого ЧС з хокею11.03.24, 16:51

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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