
Ukraine and Estonia start negotiations on a security agreement. The Presidential Administration provided details

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Ukraine starts negotiations with Estonia on a bilateral security agreement in line with the G7 Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine.

Pursuant to the G7 Joint Declaration on Support for Ukraine, negotiations with Estonia on a bilateral security agreement have begun, UNN reports citing the Presidential Office.


The Ukrainian delegation is headed by the Head of the Presidential Office Andriy Yermak, in accordance with the Presidential Decree. Today's talks were chaired by Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Ihor Zhovkva.

The Estonian delegation is headed by Deputy Foreign Minister Küllike Sillaste-Elling.

"Безпрецедентний документ": Зеленський розповів, що передбачає безпекова угода з Німеччиною16.02.24, 14:23

"It is important to conclude strong security agreements with all the Baltic states, which provide us with huge assistance in relation to their GDP. Since Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania also border the aggressor, our security commitments should definitely be mutual," emphasized Ihor Zhovkva.

The parties began work on the draft agreement and agreed on a schedule for further negotiations.

Угода України та Великої Британії про безпеку: Стафанішина повідомила, що аналогічний договір з США вже готується14.01.24, 05:49

Antonina Tumanova



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