
They were discharged from the hospital, but the treatment continues: the Gur told about the condition of Budanov's wife after poisoning

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Marianna Budanova, the wife of Ukrainian intelligence chief Kirill Budanov, was discharged from the hospital after being poisoned, but continues treatment under medical supervision.

The Wife of the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate Kirill Budanov, Marianna, has already been discharged from the hospital after being poisoned. However, her treatment continues. This was stated by the representative of the Gur Moe Andrey Yusov on the Channel "we are Ukraine", reports UNN.

He stressed that Budanov's wife would be under medical supervision for a long time to come.

"Currently, the hospitalization is complete. The course of treatment continues and (Marianna Budanova - ED.) is under the supervision of doctors. This will still be quite a long process. But, fortunately, thanks to the professionalism of Ukrainian doctors, everything is now все We can say that everything is under control. An internal investigation is underway. I am convinced that there will be results," said Andrey Yusov.

Recall that at the end of November, the media reported on the poisoning of Kirill Budanov's wife Marianna. Previously, it was known that the woman was poisoned with heavy metals. The substances found in her blood are not used in everyday life and military affairs. Subsequently, it became known that the woman's condition is satisfactory, because she was treated in time. At the same time, the former head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine, Valery Kondratyuk, expressed his conviction that Russian special services were involved in the poisoning of Budanov's wife.

Antonina Tumanova



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