
They earned 300 thousand UAH a month on the sale of drugs: the police detained a group of drug dealers in the capital.

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Kiev police detained a group that sold drugs by mail and couriers. Malefactors face up to 10 years in prison.

Kyiv police detained a group that sold drugs and psychotropic substances in Kyiv by mail, taxi courier service and hand-to-hand, Kyiv police reported, UNN reports.


Kyiv law enforcement officers exposed a group of people, including three men and a woman, who had set up the cultivation of cannabis plants and the production of the psychotropic substance amphetamine in the capital.

Some were engaged in the production of drugs, while others were responsible for their sale. According to the available information, the monthly income of the drug dealers was about 300 thousand hryvnias

- the police reported.

As a result of the searches, the group seized about 500 grams of cannabis, 300 grams of amphetamine, 50 grams of hashish, 50 MDMA pills, LSD, 24 cannabis plants, cannabis growing equipment, two grow boxes, a grow room for growing drug plants, and $10,000.

The cost of the seized substances at black market prices is half a million hryvnias

The defendants in the case face up to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property on the fact of illegal acquisition, storage, transportation, shipment or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues and sowing or cultivation of sleeping poppies or hemp under the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

To recap,

In Kyiv, law enforcement officers detained 5 members of a criminal organization who were taking away businesses from entrepreneurs under threat of reprisals.


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