
The third cycle has been completed: Japan has begun draining water from the Fukushima NPP into the ocean.

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Japan has begun draining water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean. The third cycle of discharge of treated water has been completed, and TEPCO plans to release about 31,200 tons of water after treatment

The Japanese operator of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), has announced the completion of the third cycle of discharging into the sea of water purified from radioactive elements and diluted from the power plant. This was reported by Kyodo, according to UNN.


It is noted that during the discharge of the previous two batches, on November 2, TEPCO released about 7800 tons of purified water from ten tanks diluted with a large amount of sea water through an underwater tunnel into the ocean about 1 kilometer off the coast.

During four discharge cycles, which will be completed by March next year, the company plans to release about 31,200 tons of water after treatment using an advanced system that removes most radioactive substances except tritium.

The total amount of tritium released into the ocean is also expected to be about 5 trillion becquerels, less than a quarter of the safe annual limit of 22 trillion becquerels.

SEE ALSO: MEDIA: In Japan, a section of the ice wall around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant may have melted


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