
The Resistance confirmed the liquidation of a collaborator in Starobilsk and provided details

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Ukrainian underground fighters eliminated a collaborator in occupied Starobilsk, Luhansk region, by blowing him up with an explosive device in mid-November as punishment for collaborating with the enemy.

The information about the killing of another traitor in Starobilsk, Luhansk region, was confirmed by activists of the National Resistance Center. They also noted that the collaborator, who was reported by the Russian media, was killed in mid-November, and gave details, as reported by UNN.

Starobilsk, November 14, 2023. Ukrainian underground forces eliminated another traitor in the temporarily occupied Starobilsk. Using an explosive device, the collaborator received a just punishment for collaborating with the enemy.

- noted in Sprotyv.


Activists  emphasized that the resistance movement is not giving up. Every day, Ukrainian partisans fight for liberation from the Moscow yoke.

Traitors will not escape punishment. We know the names of all those who collaborate with the enemy and are working to ensure that each of them receives their just punishment.

- The guerrillas promised.


Earlier, Russian media claimedthat a car was blown up in  Starobilsk and that there was a death.

Local Telegram channels noted that the car allegedly belonged to collaborator Valeriy Chaika.

Tatiana Salganik



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