
The Government approved documents that will facilitate the functioning of the International Register of Losses

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The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved two documents to ensure the effective functioning of the International Register of Damages, which will help register and compensate for damage caused by Russia and will be based in the Netherlands.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved two documents that will contribute to the quality functioning of the International Register of Losses, which was created by the decision of the Council of Europe and will operate in the Netherlands. This was announced by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal, reports UNN.

The main resource for our reconstruction should be confiscated Russian assets. Everyone understands that this is fair and right. For legitimate confiscation, Ukraine has proposed a clear and understandable roadmap

- Shmyhal said.

He noted that one of the key elements is the work of the International Register of Losses, which was created by the decision of the Council of Europe and will operate in the Netherlands.

"Today we have approved two documents that will contribute to the quality functioning of the registry. Given that this registry will work in electronic form, the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine should develop and submit technical requirements for the creation of software for such a registry," Shmyhal said.

According to him, the Ministry of Digital Transformation should also develop an opportunity for Ukrainians to submit claims for compensation for damages or losses through Diia.

"The second document in this direction is our proposals for the classification of categories of losses subject to compensation. This will allow a systematic approach to the transfer of all information about the losses, damages and harm caused by Russia to both the state of Ukraine and each of our citizens and Ukrainian legal entities," Shmyhal said.


The Government of the Netherlands has decided to establish the International Register of Losses. This is an international organization that will deal with the issues of compensation by Russia for the damage caused to Ukraine as a result of military aggression.

Direct losses from Russian aggression amount to approximately $750 billionand together with indirect losses, the amount will reach one trillion dollars. 

Anna Murashko



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