
The first meeting of the Council of the International Register of losses caused by the Russian Federation to Ukraine will be held in December in the Hague

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In December, The Hague will host the first meeting of the International Register of losses of Ukraine due to the war of the Russian Federation, as announced by Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal.

The first meeting of the Council of the International Register of damage caused to Ukraine due to the Russian war will be held in The Hague in December. This was announced by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal, writes UNN.


It is noted that together with officials, representatives of the Presidential Office, the NBU, diplomats, a meeting was held on the confiscation of assets of the Russian Federation abroad. They also discussed the introduction of international legal mechanisms for compensation for damage caused to Ukraine.

We heard information from the Ministry of Justice regarding the launch of the International Register of losses, which was created in May within the framework of the Council of Europe. The first meeting of the damage register Council will be held in December in The Hague

- Shmygal wrote in Telegram.

The prime minister pointed out that this month the European Commission plans to present a plan for using frozen sovereign assets of Russia to support Ukraine.

The United States Congress also registered a Bill on the confiscation of assets of sanctioned Russian oligarchs in favor of restoring Ukraine.

We also continue to actively work on the Compensation Fund, which is part of the International compensation mechanism. Both the assets of Russian oligarchs and the sovereign assets of Russia should be confiscated. The aggressor must bear full responsibility for what he has done. And confiscation of assets is the first step.

- Shmygal emphasized.  

SEE ALSO: big Britain will impose sanctions against suppliers that export military equipment equipment in Russia


In February, the Dutch government decided to create an International Register of losses. It is an international organization that will deal with issues related to compensation by Russia for losses caused to Ukraine as a result of military aggression.

Direct losses from Russian aggression amount to approximately 7 750 billion, and together with indirect losses, the amount will reach one trillion dollars. 

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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