
The existence of the northernmost cemetery of mankind since the Stone Age is confirmed in Finland

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At the Tainiaro archaeological site in Finland, located 80 kilometers from the Arctic Circle, additional field research was conducted to confirm the location of a prehistoric hunter-gatherer cemetery, although no skeletal remains have been preserved.

After conducting additional research, archaeologists have found evidence that in Finland in the 5th millennium BC, the northernmost cemetery existed in Finland. This is reported by the magazine Antiquity, UNN reports.


At the archaeological Tainiaro archaeological site in Finland, located 80 kilometers from the Arctic Circle, additional field Circle, additional fieldwork was conducted to confirm the location of the the location of a prehistoric hunter-gatherer cemetery.

The development of Tainiaro has been developed since the 1980s. Thousands of artifacts have been discovered there, including bones of animals, stone tools, and ceramics. Archaeologists have also identified 127 possible pits of various sizes that had traces of red ochre, a key characteristic of many Stone Age burials. However, the main evidence - skeletons the main evidence - skeletons that decompose quickly in the acidic soil of this region.

The new research confirm that Tainiaro was a large cemetery dating back to the fifth millennium BC.

To clarify the the nature of the 127 pits, a team led by archaeologist from the University of Oulu in Aki Hakonen, a team led by an archaeologist from the University of Oulu in Finland, compared the size and contents of the pits with those of of hundreds of Stone Age graves in 14 cemeteries. They determined that at least 44 of the pits probably contained pits likely contained human burials; the rectangular shape of the pits with rounded edges, combined with traces of red ochre and the artifacts found artifacts, make it highly likely that the pits were indeed graves. graves.

Tainiaro should be considered be considered a cemetery, although no skeletal materials have been preserved there

the study concludes.

Only a fifth of Tainiaro has been excavated. only a fifth of Tainiaro has been excavated, so the total number of graves may be higher. perhaps more than 200. According to Hakonen, there is even a chance of finding human skeletons, especially if the grave was covered with red ochre, as it can preserve organic remains.

SEE ALSO: У China found 40 tombs with artifacts dating back 4.5 thousand years

Anastasia Ryabokon



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