
The community of our city is against renaming. It may lead to additional budget expenditures - Brovary City Council deputy

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Brovary City Council member Konstantin Lipsky believes that if the resolution to rename Brovary is passed, its implementation will require additional financial costs.

Residents of Brovary are against changing the name of their city to Brovary. In addition, this may entail additional financial costs. This opinion was voiced by a deputy of the Brovary City Council, deputy director of the Brovary-Blagoustriy utility company Konstantin Lipsky in a commentary to UNN.


The MP explained that he voted for an appeal to the Verkhovna Rada to remove the issue of renaming Brovary to Brovary from consideration because the city's residents are against it, and there are conclusions from three scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine that renaming is inappropriate. I am convinced that MPs should take this into account.

There are expert reports, there are many documents that confirm that the name should be the same as it is at the moment. I believe that it is not advisable to do this now at all. MPs should listen and take into account the opinion of the community. Moreover, we did not apply for renaming. Because, as far as I understand, there are communities that have applied for renaming, and we are against it

- Lipsky noted.

He added that, in his opinion, if the resolution on renaming is adopted, its implementation will require additional financial costs.

I can't tell you the calculations, I don't know. But you realize that this is all money. And, I think, not small ones. Spending them on this today is definitely not relevant. There is a war in the country now, so I think it is better to use these funds to support the Armed Forces, etc

- summarized the MP.


MP Vitalii Bezghin, who does not support renaming the city of Brovary to Brovary, notes that the community's opinion is not a convincing argument in this matter. He motivates his position by the fact that residents of cities with openly Soviet or imperial names are also against renaming.

Bezghin also notes that due to gaps in the legislation, renaming a settlement will not automatically entail renaming a community. Therefore, there will be no additional costs, in particular, for changing the documentation.


At an extraordinary session, members of the Brovary City Council almost unanimously decided to support the initiative to preserve the name of the city of Brovary and to appeal to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine with a petition to preserve the name of the city of Brovary, taking into account scientific and historical research.

The appeal has already been sent to the Verkhovna Rada .

A resolution to rename Brovary to Brovary was previously registered by a group of MPs led by a representative of the Golos faction, Roman Lozynskyi.

Commenting on the city council's decision, Brovary Mayor Ihor Sapozhko noted that there are three conclusions of scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine that the name "Brovary" is historical and should be preserved.

He added that by voting at an extraordinary session, the deputies confirmed the position of the majority of Brovary residents who oppose the change of the city's name.

Zakhar Podkidyshev



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