
The Cabinet of Ministers proposes to increase fines for violation of military registration and mobilization: what is known about draft law 10379

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In addition, the document proposes to introduce the possibility of detaining persons who have violated the legislation on defense, military duty and military service, rules of military registration, mobilization preparation and mobilization for up to three hours during a special period for drawing up a protocol.

Increase fines for violations of military registration rules and defense legislation, as well as mobilization training and mobilization. This is stated in the explanatory note to the government's draft law on strengthening responsibility for military offenses, UNN reports.


As stated in the explanatory note, the draft law 10379 proposes to amend the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code of Ukraine, in particular regarding:

Increasing fines for violation of military registration rules and legislation on defense, military duty and military service, mobilization training and mobilization;

introduction of a mechanism whereby a protocol is not drawn up in case of administrative offenses, which are considered by the territorial centers of recruitment and social support, if the person does not appears without valid reasons or without giving reasons for not arriving at the call of the territorial centers of recruitment and social support, having been duly notified of the date, time and place of the call, and if available at the territorial centers of recruitment and social support have the confirming information about the person's receipt of the call;

introducing the possibility to detain persons who have violated legislation on defense, military duty and military service, rules of military registration, mobilization preparation and mobilization, for up to three hours to draw up a report, and, if necessary, to identify the person and/or clarifying the circumstances of the offense - up to three days;

Addition of a criminal offense - evasion of conscription for military service during mobilization, for a special period, for military service for conscription of persons from among the reservists during a special period, - with the feature "including including refusal to undergo a medical examination".

Посилення відповідальності за військові правопорушення: уряд вніс до ВР ще один важливий законопроект25.12.23, 23:54

Antonina Tumanova



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