
Stephen Fry calls on UK citizens to speak out against anti-Semitism

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On television, Stephen Fry condemned the rise of anti-Semitism in the UK, calling on citizens to stand up to it. He expressed concern for the safety of Jewish communities.

On the air British television after the annual speech of King Charles III, the famous actor Stephen Fry spoke about the rise of anti-Semitism in the UK after the the October 7 terrorist attacks.  This is reported by UNN. with reference to Times of Israel.


British actor, writer, TV presenter Stephen Fry delivered a Christmas message for British television, in which he addressed the growing wave of anti-Semitism of anti-Semitism around the world, and in the UK in particular.

One thing about myself that I never thought for a second that I would have to worry about in this country is that I am Jewish... There is real fear in the Jewish neighborhoods of Britain... In Britain, in 2023. Can you imagine Jews being afraid to show themselves in public for fear of reprisals?

- said the famous British actor. 

Fry also said that he was glad that his grandparents are no longer alive. are no longer alive, so they will not have to witness the rise of this wave of anti-Semitism. He also admitted that he was among those mentioned by far-right news outlets.

On the other hand, I know because I was warned that I was on the lists of British Jews that some far-right newspapers and websites have published over the years. And I'll be damned if I'm going to let anti-Semites define me and appropriate the word "Jew" by injecting their vicious venom into it

- Fry said

В Оттаві чоловіка заарештували за звинуваченням у терористичній змові проти євреїв17.12.23, 05:20

Frye also noted that he does not believe that it is normal for most Britons to live in a society that considers hatred of Jews to be the only acceptable form of racism.

So speak up, stand with us, be proud to be Jewish or Jewish - or, if you're not Jewish at all, be proud that we are as much a part of this great nation as any other minority, as each of you are

- Fry said.


According to the British media, it was  an alternative to the Christmas message of a famous personality, as traditionally in the United Kingdom also broadcasts the address of the British monarch. This year, King Charles III delivered his annual Christmas message on the BBC, which was the second after Queen Elizabeth II, who delivered it from 1957 to 2022. year.  

Єгипет представив план завершення війни між Ізраїлем та ХАМАС25.12.23, 16:15

Ihor Telezhnikov



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