
Shelling in Donetsk region: Russians damage fire and rescue unit in Toretsk

 • 31799 переглядiв

Russian troops shelled Toretsk in Donetsk region, damaging the fire and rescue unit, but no one was injured. Ukrainian energy infrastructure facilities were also targeted.

In the evening, the occupants attacked Toretsk in Donetsk region. The shelling damaged a fire and rescue unit. This was reported by the State Emergency Service, UNN writes.

Tonight, Russian troops shelled the city of Toretsk. 

 ," the SES said in a statement.


According to the rescuers, the blast wave smashed out windows and damaged the interior of the building of the fire and rescue unit of the State Emergency Service. 

The State Emergency Service also noted that, fortunately, there were no casualties among its personnel.


The occupiers continue to carry out terrorist attacks on energy facilities in Ukraine - today they attacked one of the thermal power plants in the frontline region. 

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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