In Ukraine, on December 14, a sharp drop in air temperature, partly cloudy weather, without precipitation is expected. There will be ice on the roads in some places. This is reported by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, UNN reports.
According to weather forecasters, on Saturday, light snow is possible only in the Carpathians. The rest of Ukraine is expected to be free of precipitation.
The roads will be icy in some places.
The wind on this day is forecast to be northwest with a shift to southwest, with a speed of 5-10 meters per second.
During the day, the thermometer will show -1-6°C.
In the south and far west of the country, the daytime temperature is +3 to -2°C.
In Kyiv region, the temperature will range from -3 to -5°C during the day.
Dry, frosty and windy weather is expected in Kyiv on Saturday.
During the day, the air temperature will be -3-5°C.