
Searches were conducted in the companies of the "king of cash" Strelkovsky, whom the media call a protégé of MP Hetmantsev

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Currently, detectives are taking measures to establish the final amount of damage to the budget, but experts have already confirmed the amount of UAH 767 million.

The Bureau of Economic Security reported about serving two suspicions and conducting 35 searches in companies controlled by one of the largest converters in Ukraine. On the BES website, he is called the "king of the cash," UNN reports.

According to a source in the law enforcement agencies, this is the "Strelok"  - Vyacheslav Strelkovsky, who was previously included in the the list of the largest money launderers in Ukraine, and later the President deprived him of of his citizenship.

The BES reports that, according to analysts, the volume of of financial transactions with VAT of the above-mentioned group of companies for 2020-2023 will amount to UAH 21 billion UAH. Detectives are currently taking measures to establish the final amount of of the damage caused to the budget, but experts have already confirmed the amount of of UAH 767 million.

The investigation covers the period of 2020 - 2023, while the VAT fraud scheme was in place, despite the constant renewal of the tax authority's leadership. The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Taxation and Customs Policy, Danylo Hetmantsev reported, that the tax authorities have stopped most of the systemic schemes of VAT abuse that that took place under the previous government. However, with the change of leadership in the STS, only only one company that provided the fake tax credit to Strelkovsky's credit to Strelkovsky's companies was blocked, while the rest of his companies continued to operate. 

In his investigation, blogger Sergey Ivanov attributes this to the support of Strelok's conversion centers by Hetmantsev, who is considered to be the shadow curator of the tax service.

In his latest investigation, Ivanov accused the MP of systematic schemes with the taxes of his own companies, unofficial management of the tax service and cooperation with Strelkovsky and the king of smuggling Alperin. 


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