
SBU: there is new evidence confirming that Russia hit Okhmatdyt with X-101 missile

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The SBU has received new evidence confirming that Russia hit Okhmatdyt with an X-101 missile.

The Security Service of Ukraine reported that it has received new evidence confirming that Russia hit Okhmatdyt with an X-101 missile, UNN reports.


"The SBU has received new evidence confirming that Russia hit Okhmatdyt with an X-101 missile. In particular, a fragment of the engine of the X-101 cruise missile was found at the site of the tragedy," the special service reported on Telegram.

In addition, as noted, SBU investigators found:

  • fragment of the wing deployment mechanism of the X-101 missile; 
  • fragment of an X-101 missile jamming unit; 
  • the middle part of the body of the X-101 cruise missile (pictured under the rubble); 
  • tail section fairing and a fragment of the hydraulic unit of the X-101 cruise missile; 
  • fragments of the engine casing of the X-101 cruise missile with the inventory (inside) and serial numbers (outside), photos of which we officially published yesterday.

The SBU investigative team has been working at the scene of the tragedy since the first minutes and is doing everything possible to collect every piece of evidence, the special service emphasized.

The conclusions of experts are unequivocal - it was a targeted attack by the racists. This is evidenced not only by the missile debris found at the site of the strike, but also by the analysis of the flight path data, the nature of the damage caused, as well as a large number of video and photo materials

- the SBU emphasized.

According to the SBU, a targeted missile strike by the Russian Federation is confirmed:

1. the nature of the destruction (a two-story hospital building was completely destroyed, and the surrounding buildings were heavily damaged) is typical of an X-101 warhead (400 kg). The destruction could in no way have been caused by the NASAMS system, whose warheads are about 20 times less powerful;

2. the proportions, shape and size of the missile captured in the publicly available video fully correspond to the X-101 missile, and, conversely, are not typical of SAMs, including NASAMS. Attempts by Russian propagandists to compare the missile in the video, which hits the hospital several hundred meters away, with the size of the building in the foreground is a cynical and meaningless manipulation.

3. the missile's flight path fully corresponds to the characteristics of the X-101 (climb, or "slide", before attacking the target, and attack at an angle of approximately 60 degrees);

4. the strike on the children's hospital "Okhmatdyt" was carried out by an X-101 aircraft-based combat aircraft, which was recorded by objective radar monitoring.

According to SBU Head Vasyl Malyuk, the Security Service will do everything possible to ensure that the enemy feels the maximum retribution for each of their war crimes: "This retribution will be both legal and moral. A terrorist state is not an abstract concept. There are specific names of murderers. And nothing will save them from justice.

На території "Охматдиту" завершили аварійно-рятувальні роботи: двоє загиблих та 32 поранених09.07.24, 11:40


Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of the Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise, was the first to report that the most damaged facilities as a result of the Russian missile attack on the capital on July 8 were most likely hit by enemy X-101 missiles.

"The parts and debris that have been identified as of this hour are poorly preserved and highly fragmented. Taking into account the available markings and design features, we can preliminarily say that the strikes were carried out by X-101 cruise missiles. The final conclusions will be submitted to the pre-trial investigation authorities after all the necessary examinations are conducted. Today's (July 8 - ed.) enemy missile attack is particularly cynical, a significant number of children were injured, and eyewitnesses suffered numerous shrapnel wounds. We hope that the search and rescue operations will be completed as soon as possible. We express our sincere words of support to all the victims," said Ruvin.

Julia Shramko



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