
Sanctioned oligarch Shelkov was served a notice of suspicion for organizing the supply of strategic products to Russian enterprises

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Russian oligarch Mikhail Shelkov was served with a notice of suspicion for organizing the supply of titanium raw materials to Russia. The scheme involved the use of an Austrian company to conceal the supplies and evade taxes.

Law enforcers have served a notice of suspicion to Russian oligarch Mikhail Shelkov for organizing the supply of strategic products to companies involved in the manufacture of weapons for the needs of the Russian Ministry of Defense. UNN reports with reference to the Bureau of Economic Security.


According to the BES, the Russian oligarch created a criminal organized group, which included the former director of the Demurinsky Mining and Processing Plant LLC, a beneficiary and a director of an Austrian company. Currently, Shelkov and one of the top managers of the plant have been served suspicion of financing actions committed with the aim of violent change or overthrow of the constitutional order or seizure of state power, change of the boundaries of the territory or state border of Ukraine. 

In particular, during 2020-2021, Silk organized the supply of various titanium concentrates worth almost UAH 90 million to companies involved in the production of weapons for the needs of the Russian Ministry of Defense, meeting the needs of the military-industrial complex, and creating strategic reserves of the aggressor country for waging war against Ukraine

- the BES says.  

In order to conceal the supply of products to Russia, the suspects developed a scheme: titanium concentrates were supplied under contracts to an Austrian company, but in fact were immediately shipped to Russian enterprises. The latter reportedly paid the full price to the Austrian company's accounts at market prices. In turn, the Austrian company paid the Ukrainian company at lower prices. 

"Such actions led to the understatement of the company's profit and, accordingly, the non-payment of almost UAH 18.5 million in taxes," the BES said.

Within the framework of the pre-trial investigation, the Russian oligarch was served a notice of suspicion of committing criminal offenses stipulated by Part 4 of Art. 110-2, Part 3 of Art. 27, Part 3 of Art. 28, Part 3 of Art. 212, Part 3 of Art. 209 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Also, the BES detectives served a notice of suspicion of committing criminal offenses under Part 4 of Art. 110-2, Part 3 of Art. 209 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine to the former General Director of Demurinsky Mining and Processing Plant LLC. 


Silk has owned the mining and processing plant since 2012. The company is one of the world's largest titanium producers and  was part of the Russian state corporation Rostec.

Earlier, as part of the criminal proceedings, corporate rights and the entire property complex, vehicles of the mining and processing plant, as well as funds held in the company's bank accounts were seized.

The Appeals Chamber of the High Anti-Corruption Court ruled that the property and assets were recovered as state revenue. The plant is owned by Ukraine and managed by the State Property Fund.

Правоохоронці повідомили про підозру російському олігарху шелкову в ухиленні від сплати податків30.08.23, 13:20 • [views_402015]

Tatiana Kraevskaya

Crimes and emergencies


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