
Russia's missile attack on Zaporizhzhia: the number of victims has increased to two

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Two women were killed in Zaporizhzhia after a rocket attack, the body of the second victim was found by rescuers under the rubble of a house.

The number of victims of the morning enemy rocket attack on Zaporizhzhia has increased to two - the body of another woman was pulled out from under the rubble of a private house, said Anatoliy Kurtev, secretary of Zaporizhzhia City Council, UNN reports.

Unfortunately, the number of victims of the morning rocket attack has increased. Rescuers conducting a search and rescue operation at the site of the shelling, pulled the body of another woman from the rubble of a private house

- Kurtev wrote on Telegram.

Запоріжжя зазнало ракетної атаки рф, відомо про загиблу та 10 поранених, під завалами можуть бути люди - ОВА29.12.23, 10:15

Julia Shramko



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