
Russians shell Kherson for the second time in the morning: 81-year-old woman injured

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Russians shelled Kherson twice in the morning, wounding three people, including an 81-year-old woman.

The Russian military continues to shell Kherson. This morning, in less than an hour, three people, including an 81-year-old woman, were injured as a result of Russian army strikes on the regional center. This was reported by the head of the MVA Roman Mrochko, according to UNN

In less than an hour, the Russian army wounded three people in Kherson. The enemy continued shelling the Dniprovsky district of the city, injuring an 81-year-old woman. At the time of the attack by the Russian occupation forces, the woman was in her apartment

- wrote Mrochko on Telegram.

According to him, the woman suffered explosive and closed head injuries, contusion, and a shrapnel wound to the parietal region. She is in moderate condition. She was provided with medical assistance, Mrochko added. 

Earlier, UNN reported about two people injured in the morning attack on Kherson. 

росіяни вночі обстріляли приватний сектор Покровська, п’ятеро поранених, серед них - підліток 05.04.24, 09:47

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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