
russians bring children from the occupied territories to a propaganda forum in Moscow - National Resistance Center

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Children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine are being brought to Moscow for another propaganda forum aimed at justifying the Kremlin's Nazi policy, organized by the Kremlin's First Movement in May, and collaborators are compiling lists of teenagers to participate.

Children from the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine are being brought to Moscow for another propaganda forum. This was stated by the Center for National Resistance, UNN reports.


It is noted that the forum is called "Keepers of History" and is usually devoted to justifying the Kremlin's Nazi policy.

The gathering is scheduled for May, and the Kremlin's "movement of the first" will be responsible for organizing it

- said the CNS.

The gathering is scheduled for May, and the Kremlin's "movement of the first" will be responsible for organizing it.

The Resistance said that each region has received a quantitative plan for the number of participants in the crowd. Currently, the TOT collaborators are compiling lists of teenagers who will be bused to Moscow.


The National Resistance Center notes that everyone involved in the organization of the event will be punished.


The National Resistance Center stated that the russian occupiers held a militaristic youth forum "Rose of Donbas" in occupied Mariupol to brainwash teenagers and spread their ideology.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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