
russian Tu-95MS strategic bombers have become more active over Ukraine

 • 108625 переглядiв

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine informs about 14 strategic Tu-95MS flying in the southeast direction.

The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports the activity of 14 Tu-95MS aircraft from the Olenya airfield, flying in the southeast direction. Reported by UNN.

Activity of 14 Tu-95MS aircraft from the Olenya airfield (Murmansk region) flying in the southeast direction has been detected.
In case of a missile threat and cruise missile launches, we will inform you additionally. Do not ignore air raid warning signals

- Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Повітряні Сили попереджають про загрозу атаки безпілотників на Житомирщині24.03.24, 01:25 • [views_0]