
Fire in Ternopil Oblast: 17 households are advised to limit the use of water from wells

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In the Ternopil region, 17 households are restricted from using well water due to a fire caused by a russian attack on an infrastructure facility in the Kremenets district. However, more than 11 tons of water have been delivered to local residents thanks to the prompt action of charitable organizations and entrepreneurs.

In the Ternopil region, 17 households are restricted from using water from wells as a result of russia's attack on an infrastructure facility in the Kremenets district. This is reported by the Ternopil Regional Water Authority, UNN reports.


On March 12, as a result of attacks by russian Shahed UAVs, a fire broke out at an infrastructure facility in the Kremenets district of Ternopil region.

Law enforcement officers are working at the scene. The incident is being investigated under Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which deals with violations of the laws and customs of war.

The amount of losses and the extent of damage are currently being established. According to preliminary information, the property of individuals was not damaged in the fire.

According to the Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention, air samples taken near the damaged infrastructure facility did not exceed the maximum permissible levels of harmful substances.

In this regard, experts from the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection and the State Environmental Inspectorate took water from local wells and open water bodies.

17 households were informed of recommendations to limit the use of water from wells for drinking and cooking.


So far, more than 11 tons of water have been delivered to local residents thanks to the prompt action of charitable organizations and entrepreneurs.

Also, as of 16:00, gas supply was resumed for 400 customers in the village.

На Тернопільщині через нічну атаку "шахедами" сталася пожежа на об'єкті інфраструктури12.03.24, 10:06


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