
russia claims that Poland is sending 20,000 mercenaries with criminal records to Ukraine

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russian sources spread disinformation that Poland plans to send 20,000 mercenaries with criminal records to Ukraine, which was denied by both Polish and Ukrainian officials as a baseless accusation aimed at destabilizing the region.

russian sources are spreading manipulations, claiming that Poland plans to send a group of mercenaries with a criminal past to Ukraine. This is reported by the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security SPRAVDI, UNN reports.


russian propaganda outlets are once again trying to spread disinformation, claiming that Poland is preparing to send 20,000 mercenaries with criminal records to Ukraine.

This story, like many others, was invented to disrupt stability in the region and play on the emotions of citizens.

In reality, from the very beginning of the conflict, russian propaganda has been trying to convince us that Poland is preparing aggression against Ukraine in order to occupy its territories.

Such accusations are based on unfounded assumptions.

On the contrary, as Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba noted, Poland and Ukraine have always stood together against russian imperialism and violations of international law.

Unlike russia, Poland and Ukraine have learned lessons from history and will always stand united against Russian imperialism and disrespect for international law 

- said Dmytro Kuleba.

Moreover, such allegations have already been denied by both the Polish and Ukrainian sides.

рф поширює фейк про СБУ та Зеленського, що розпалюють в Україні релігійну війну20.03.24, 05:07


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