
Relatives of Pavlo Kyrylenko, the head of the AMCU, have purchased real estate for UAH 70 million over the past four years - Schemes

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Investigative journalists have discovered that relatives of Pavlo Kyrylenko, the head of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU), have purchased real estate worth about UAH 70 million over the past four years, which seems disproportionate to his official income.

Investigative journalists of the Schemes project found real estate worth UAH 70 million in the family of Pavlo Kyrylenko, the head of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine (AMCU). It is noted that they have acquired all this property in the last four years. The journalists published their calculations in a new investigation, UNN reports.


The Schemes journalists managed to find out that during Kyrylenko's tenure as head of Donetsk Oblast, his family acquired numerous properties in western Ukraine, as well as in the capital and the region. We are talking about a large estate, two land plots, two crossovers, three apartments with parking spaces in Kyiv and apartments in a premium residential complex in Uzhhorod.

According to journalists, the market value of the property acquired by the family of the current head of the Antimonopoly Committee is almost UAH 70 million

According to Skhemy, Kyrylenko's relatives had no official business and had not officially earned enough income over the past quarter century to buy all this.

The journalists also found that some of this property is used by the official himself, but he does not indicate this in his declaration.

Президент подав декларації: дохід Зеленського і його родини втричі зменшився у 2022 році28.01.24, 18:31

In a comment to Schemes, Kyrylenko himself said that the source of his wealth was the family's start-up capital, which was formed in the 90s when his future wife's grandmother sold shares of the Stirol plant in Horlivka that she had received as an employee of the plant. However, journalists failed to find official confirmation of these transactions.

Kyrylenko's relatives were also unable to provide documentary evidence of this family fortune from his grandmother, saying that there were documents, but "everything remained in occupied Horlivka.

It all remained in Horlivka. If it was there, I would show you a bunch of these documents that were left there, you know? All these receipts, receipts and everything.

- Natalia Matiyenko said.

According to lawyers, the AMCU chairman's family owns property disproportionate to his official income, which may be interpreted as illicit enrichment.

"This can be an asset registered in the name of other persons, but purchased at the expense or on behalf of the declarant. Or for the fact that he reserves the right to dispose of, sell, or determine the legal fate of this property. If this difference between the legal income and acquired assets exceeds UAH 8.5 million (as of 2022), this may be a sign of illicit enrichment, and the liability is provided for from 5 to 10 years in prison with confiscation of property," said Vadym Valko, lawyer of the Anti-Corruption Action Center. 

For reference

Since September 2023, Pavlo Kyrylenko has been the chairman of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine. As Kyrylenko explained in an interview, he was offered the position by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Kyrylenko began his career as a prosecutor, first in the Donetsk region, then in the Prosecutor General's Office in Kyiv, and later worked as a military prosecutor in Zakarpattia, heading the military prosecutor's office of the Uzhhorod garrison.

Суд визнав Дубінського винним у діях в умовах конфлікту інтересів, його внесуть в реєстр корупціонерів - НАЗК13.03.24, 18:38

From 2019 until the fall of 2023, according to a presidential decree, Kyrylenko served as the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration (formerly the Regional State Administration - ed

Tatiana Salganik



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