
Relatives of Azovstal defenders call for civilized ways to support prisoners of war and condemn vandalism

 • 23742 переглядiв

Relatives of Azovstal's captured defenders called for supporting the prisoners exclusively in civilized and legal ways, not through vandalism or hooliganism, so as not to disgrace the soldiers and their families.

Relatives of the captured Azov defenders called for support for the prisoners to be provided exclusively in a civilized manner, so as not to shame either the soldiers or their families. This is stated in the appeal of the Association of Families of Azov defenders, and it is also quoted by UNN.

Dear friends, we are writing with an important message. Last week, we started receiving complaints from concerned citizens about cases of vandalism and hooliganism by unknown persons who painted graffiti and various informal drawings in support of Azovstal's captive defenders in unacceptable places. The Association of Families of Azovstal Defenders emphasizes that our organization does not support such initiatives and did not call for support for the prisoners in this way.

- the Association said in a statement.


The Association also added that the expression of support for our prisoners of war and civilian hostages should be carried out only in a legal way, using civilized methods.

Graffiti should be placed in designated areas where it will not damage the facades of public or residential buildings, road signs, information boards, etc. We are representatives of a civilized European country and people, and we must find the same ways to support our heroes so as not to shame them or their families.

- The activists emphasized.

At the same time, the relatives of the prisoners of war thanked everyone who cares about the captive defenders of Azovstal and continues to fight for their freedom.

Рада затвердила порядок проходження військової служби іноземцями: чому це важливо для полку "Азов"12.01.23, 15:48 • [views_521700]

Tatiana Salganik



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