
Putin's daughter is trying to expand Russia's influence in Africa through digital projects – Bloomberg

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Putin's youngest daughter, Ekaterina Tikhonova, supports IT projects aimed at strengthening Russia's ties with Africa, as officials from nearly 30 African countries meet with Russian technical experts in Moscow.

Russia seeks to develop closer ties with Africa through IT sphere. Officials from about 30 African countries were invited to Moscow to meetings with Russian IT specialists and investors. The project is supported by the center "Inopraktika", the general director of which is the youngest daughter Russian dictator Vladimir Putin Ekaterina Tikhonova. This is stated in in the material of the Bloomberg publication, reports UNN.


According to the publication, The Kremlin seeks closer ties with the countries of the Global South to counter the impact of us and European sanctions imposed because of the war in Ukraine.

The meeting of African officials in Russia is part of an information and propaganda project entitled " exchange program knowledge in the field of e-governance", which the foundation launched in July 2023 together with the Moscow Higher School of Economics.

Promoting their digital expertise in various industries, from cybersecurity to public services and electronic voting, Russia can gain an advantage in competition with China, the US and the European Union for influence on the continent

the report says.

It is known that the Russian dictator carefully hides the private the life of 37-year-old Tikhonova and her older sister, 38-year-old Maria Vorontsova, and he has not publicly admitted that they are his daughters.

read also: Putin's daughter tested the Russian coronavirus vaccine on herself

Lilia Podolyak



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