
Putin threatens Finland over NATO membership

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Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has threatened Finland over the country's accession to NATO. He claims that Russia will send troops to the Finnish border.

Russian dictator Vladimir Putin said that Russia does not want to fight with NATO countries, but Finland will "now have problems" because of joining the Alliance. He said this in an interview with the Russian media, UNN reports .

They took Finland and dragged it into NATO. Did we have any disputes? All disputes, including those of a territorial nature, were resolved long ago in the middle of the twentieth century. We had the kindest and most cordial relations. There were no problems, and now there will be. Because we will now create a Leningrad military district and concentrate certain military units there. Why do they need this? It's nonsense,

- Putin said.


The Russian dictator said that Russia will not fight with NATO countries, because Russia has no economic, political interests or territorial disputes.

In addition, Putin said that it is NATO countries that artificially create problems with Russia because they "do not want to have a competitor like Russia."


Russian dictator Vladimir Putin said that peace in Ukraine will come when the Russians achieve their goals in the so-called "special military operation" and emphasized that the goals of the Russian Federation have not changed .

Pavlo Bashynskyi

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