According to a modeling study published in The Lancet , the incidence of prostate cancer will increase dramatically worldwide in the coming years. In the coming decades, the number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer will double. This will be especially true in less affluent countries, UNN reports with reference to The Guardian.
By 2040, the number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer will double to 2.9 million per year, and the annual mortality rate will increase by 85%, the publication writes.
Today, prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of death in more than 100 countries and the most common type of cancer in men, accounting for 15% of all cancers in men. In most cases, the disease occurs at the age of over 50.
Шведські лікарі намагаються врятувати кінцівки пораненим українським солдатам19.03.24, 05:56
In general, the incidence of prostate cancer increases dramatically with age. As the world's population ages and life expectancy increases, new research predicts a sharp rise in prostate cancer cases and deaths over the next 15 years.
And "unlike other serious problems, such as lung cancer or cardiovascular disease, this increase in cases cannot be prevented by health policies," the researchers note.
Раннє виявлення хвороби Паркінсона: новий тест допоможе не чекати симптомів роками21.03.24, 14:39