
Poland will demand that Russia explain why a russian missile violated Polish airspace

 • 73419 переглядiв

In the morning, the russian missile was in Polish airspace for 39 seconds, which is why the Polish Foreign Ministry will demand that russia explain the situation.

Poland will demand an explanation from russia for the violation of the country's airspace by a russian missile. This is stated in a statement of the Polish Foreign Ministry, UNN reports.

Poland will demand explanations from russia in connection with yet another violation of the country's airspace. First of all, we call on the russian federation to stop terrorist air attacks against the people and territory of Ukraine, as well as to end the war and address the country's internal problems

- the statement reads.

The Polish Foreign Ministry also expressed condolences to the victims of the russian bombing and their families.

Poland condemns all forms of terrorism and attempts to revise borders by force

- the statement emphasizes.


This morning, a russian cruise missile violated Polish airspace for 39 seconds near the town of Ocerdow, forcing Poland to intensify security procedures and mobilize its air force.

ППО знищила 43 повітряні ворожі цілі: 18 ракет і 25 безпілотників24.03.24, 08:58

Anastasia Ryabokon



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