
Poland to demand reinstatement of EU restrictions on Ukrainian truckers

 • 41453 переглядiв

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki seeks the return of EU permits to restrict Ukrainian truckers, citing unfair competition that affects their Polish and Slovak counterparts.

Poland will demand that the European Union reinstate mandatory permits, to restrict transit for Ukrainian truckers. This was stated by by Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. His words are quoted by Reuters, according to UNN.

We will be very decisive and unequivocal to demand the restoration of transportation permits for Ukrainian drivers.

Moravetsky told reporters.


Polish carriers are still blocking the checkpoints. They announced a rally to their Ukrainian colleagues they announced on November 6. The Poles demand that the EU restore the system under which Ukrainian companies will need to obtain permits to operate in the EU. EU territory. In addition, Polish drivers want to restore the need for for European truckers traveling to Ukraine.

Today, not only Polish drivers are boycotting not only Polish drivers, but also Polish farmers and Slovak truckers. All of them complain about "unfair competition." They say that their Ukrainian colleagues offer lower prices for their services and transport goods within the EU, not just between the bloc and Ukraine.

SEE ALSO: Expert explains how the border blockade affects prices on the domestic market and when the Poles will end the strike

To recap

The permits were canceled after Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year.

The European Commission emphasizes that any re-introduction  of permits or quotas for road transport from Ukraine transportation from Ukraine is legally impossible, as it would violate the current agreement between the EU and Kyiv.

Tatiana Salganik



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