
Poland scrambles two pairs of fighter jets during Russia's missile attack on Ukraine

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Poland raises F-16s in response to Russian missile attack on Ukraine

Poland launched four F-16 fighter jets during Russia's missile attack on Ukraine, the Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces reports, UNN writes.


According to the command, in order to ensure the safety of the airspace in connection with the activity of Russian long-range aviation, Poland has launched two pairs of F-16 fighters and an allied refueling aircraft.

It is noted that around 5:45 a.m., a pair of fighter jets took off from the base in Lasko, and the second pair took off from the base in Kshesiny around 6:15 a.m.


The Ukrainian Air Force confirmed the destruction of 72 missiles in the skies over Ukraine during a massive attack by Russian troops. In Kyiv, the number of casualties from today's attack by Russian troops has risen to 43, with two reported dead.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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