The Kyiv Zoo has created a New Year's exposition for the reticulated python Plato, UNN reports with reference to KCSA.
"For the New Year's Eve, Plato was given a thematic enrichment of his environment - a variety of pillows, fragrant shavings and tactile blankets were placed in his enclosure. You can watch the python in the pavilion of the Animal Island," the statement reads.
The python is 7.5 meters long and weighs more than 120 kg. Therefore, its apartment is appropriate: 18 square meters have a spa area and a relaxation room.
Київському зоопарку передали на реабілітацію рись на ім'я Степан22.11.24, 12:12
The floor of the terrarium was covered with special wooden mulch and wood chips so that the python could rub its snake skin against various wooden surfaces, especially during molting.