
Occupants change the location of ammunition depots in Dzhankoi - partisans

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In Dzhankoy, the Russian occupiers are moving ammunition depots because of fears of shelling, while guerrillas are identifying new locations for the depots and passing the information on to Ukrainian security forces.

In Dzhankoy, the occupiers are changing the location of ammunition depots, UNN reports, citing the ATES guerrilla movement.


The guerrillas followed the convoy, which was moving to the Moscow highway, toward the airfield.

"We have managed to find out that the Rashists are so afraid of the strikes that they are trying to move ammunition and equipment from the airfield in a panic... we have identified most of the new warehouses, so nothing can be saved. As always, we are passing all the details to the right hands. It's too late to look back now," the statement said.

09.04.24, 13:52 • [views_0]

Antonina Tumanova
