
November 26: International Bible Day, World Olive Tree Day

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November 26 is International Bible Day, a non-denominational holiday that emphasizes the importance of the Bible. It is also World Olive Tree Day, which recognizes the olive tree as a symbol of peace and sustainable development, and World Obesity Day, which raises awareness of the health risks associated with obesity.

Today, November 26, is International Bible Day. Bible Day. The event was launched in the United States in 1940 at the initiative of the Bible Association, UNN reports.

The organizers of the holiday also encourage people to invite their friends and relatives to celebrate this special day and read aloud together and read several chapters from the Bible together.

A special emphasis is placed on the fact that the International Bible Day is an interfaith holiday. On this day, there is no need to prove the rightness of a particular or another religion. The Bible should become a comfort for everyone, instill hope in the heart and see hope in the heart and see new goals and directions.

The Bible is the longest written book in the history of in the history of mankind. It was created over a period of about 1600 years.

It is believed that every second a copy of the Bible is printed in the world. copy of the Bible is printed every second.

The Bible has been translated into more than 600 languages, and some parts of it parts of it - into more than 2,500 languages.

Also today, with the support of UNESCO, the World Olive Tree Day is also celebrated today.

The olive tree occupies an important place in cultural, historical, and mythological traditions, historical and mythological traditions of many peoples of the world.

World Olive Tree Day is more than just a honoring the plant, it is a recognition of the profound impact of the olive tree on society, environment and economy. By celebrating this day, we recall the olive tree's significant heritage as a symbol of peace, vitality and sustainability.

November 26 is also the day of the fight against obesity.

Obesity is a medical condition characterized by excessive accumulation of fat in the body, which can have a negative impact on health. It is a major risk factor for a number of chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some cancers.

The World Health Organization recognizes obesity as as one of the most visible and at the same time the most ignored public health problems. health problems that are difficult to control.

The purpose of the event is to draw attention to the growing rates of and the health risks associated with this condition. It reminds us of the importance of maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle to prevent obesity and related complications.

According to the church calendar, November 26  is the Day of Consecration of the Church of of the Holy Martyr George the Serpent-Slayer (Victorious) in ancient Kyiv.

The church in front of the gates of St. Sophia was built by order of Yaroslav the Wise. Wise, and consecrated in 1051 by Metropolitan Hilarion of Kyiv.

According to the most common version, the church was destroyed after after the capture of Kyiv by Batu Khan.

Zakhar Podkidyshev

UNN Lite


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