
The "de-oligarchization" of regional gas companies has been completed

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Naftogaz has integrated regional and municipal gas companies, increasing Ukraine's energy stability and ensuring uninterrupted gas supplies in wartime.

In 2023, Naftogaz fully completed the integration of regional and city gas companies. This is reported by UNN with reference to the company's press service.


The company emphasizes that since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has set a goal to strengthen the country's energy stability.

Ще 400 тисяч кубометрів газу на добу: у листопаді Україна запустила три свердловини01.12.23, 14:49

This is a big responsibility, as the number of our customers has grown significantly. However, it was a necessary step, as the stability of critical infrastructure, business operations and the comfort of Ukrainians depend on it. Given the risks of constant shelling and possible blackouts, gas supply must be uninterrupted. I am grateful to everyone who works to supply our towns and villages with gas

- said Naftogaz CEO Oleksiy Chernyshov.

According to him, operational control over regional enterprises has enabled the state not only to ensure uninterrupted gas supply, but also to put an end to various schemes that resulted in the state budget losing billions of hryvnias.


The Chairman of the Management Board of Naftogaz Group also noted that, according to preliminary estimates, next year, the contributions to the state budget by the gas transmission system operators will amount to more than UAH 5 billion.

It is not only the preservation of 50,000 jobs and billions of deductions that will fill the state treasury. It is also the possibility of high-quality control of gas supply and a new convenient service for almost 10 million subscribers in the form of one clear payment

- Alexey Chernyshev summarized.


On December 19, Naftogaz Group announced the completion of the planned integration of regional and city gas companies. The group operates 27 gas distribution companies that were planned to be transferred to state control by the end of this year.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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