
NACP lists Chinese company that sold all-terrain vehicles to the Russian army as a war sponsor

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The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption has added Shandong Odes Industry Co. a leading Chinese manufacturer of all-terrain vehicles to the list of international sponsors of war.

The Chinese company Shandong Odes has been added to the list of international sponsors of the war for the supply of ATVs to the Russian army. This was reported by the press service of the NACP, UNN reports .

The Russian Ministry of Defense has purchased Chinese all-terrain vehicles manufactured by Shandong Odes Industry Co., Ltd for the needs of its army. In addition, this Chinese company continues to actively supply other vehicles to Russia and pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to the aggressor's budget,

- the statement said.


It is noted that this was the reason for the NACP to include the leading manufacturer of of all-terrain vehicles Shandong Odes Industry Co., Ltd, (Aodes) to the list of of international sponsors of war.


As UNN previously reported, on October 3, the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption Prevention Agency added to the list of international sponsors of the war the three largest Chinese oil and gas companies.

Відправляла свої співробітників на війну проти України НАЗК внесло німецьку компанію до переліку міжнародних спонсорів війни23.11.23, 12:17

Olga Rozgon



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