
MP Liubomyr Melnychuk: Iryna Farion's condition is critical

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MP Lyubomyr Melnychuk reported on the critical condition of linguist Iryna Farion after an attack in Lviv. According to a neighbor, the attacker waited for Farion for 2-3 weeks, looking suspicious.

The condition of linguist Iryna Farion, who was attacked in Lviv, is critical. This was reported on the air of the Kyiv24 TV channel by a deputy of the Lviv City Council, Lubomyr Melnychuk, UNN reports.


Irina's daughter Farion and her family arrived at the hospital. The operation is ongoing.  

According to Farion's neighbor, the attacker had been waiting for her for several weeks.

The attacker had been waiting for Iryna Farion for 2-3 weeks, her neighbor says. The man seemed suspicious, but no one called the police.

Напад на Ірину Фаріон кваліфіковано як замах на умисне вбивство, розкриття злочину в активній фазі - Клименко19.07.24, 21:12


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