
MP: It is immoral to sell state land, the military should get it first

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MP Mykhailo Tsymbalyuk considers it immoral to sell state land at auction during the war. In his opinion, the land should first go to the military and the families of fallen defenders.

It is immoral to sell Ukrainian land at auction during the war, and the military and family members of the fallen should receive the land first. This opinion was expressed in an exclusive commentary to UNN by Mykhailo Tsymbalyuk, MP from the Batkivshchyna party.

First, we need to wait for their return, distribute the land to them because they shed blood for it, distribute the land to all the families whose members died for independence, and then if it remains, we can hold an auction. During the war, it is immoral to sell the land for which Ukrainians are fighting,

- noted Tsymbalyuk.

According to him, the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences (NAAS), which currently owns one of the largest land banks, definitely has a corruption component, but taking away their land and selling it at auctions is not the best way out. After all, there will be no more land, and if it is sold off now, the military will not be able to exercise their right to receive a land plot.

I think it's a mistake to sell state land, while combatants will be left without the land they and their families expect. Especially those people who are homeless,

- The MP emphasized.


The State Property Fund is preparing the first 100,000 hectares for auction. The land to be auctioned was previously used by the National Agrarian Academy. The latter, in turn, inherited the "national wealth" from Soviet collective farms. All this time, the land has been circulating in gray schemes of the National Academy, enriching officials and employees of the Academy itself.

One of these state-owned enterprises of the National Academy of Sciences that was subject to transfer to the State Property Fund is the State Farm "Agrofirma Nadiya". Despite the NAAS's claims that Nadiya's land has never been leased, it turned out that quite recently almost all of their land was transferred to a private company for sunflower cultivation.

Nadiia Agrofirma is also known for trying to take away land from more than a thousand ATO veterans with the assistance of the NABU. The latter privatized land in Sumy region, but Nadiia believes that the land belonged to them. There are currently no legal grounds to believe that the ATO soldiers' land is related to the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences, the Supreme Court ruled.

However, the NABU and the SAPO declared their readiness to interrogate the country's defenders.

The confrontation between the NABU, the SAPO and the ATO is part of a criminal proceeding involving former Minister Mykola Solsky. Prior to his civil service positions, he worked as a lawyer and, in particular, helped to ensure that ATO soldiers received land plots.

Lilia Podolyak



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