
Moscow is mortgaging its future to Beijing - Stoltenberg

 • 25917 переглядiв

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says Russia has become weaker militarily, politically and economically, increasingly aligning itself with Beijing after significant losses and strategic mistakes in Ukraine

Russia is now weaker militarily, politically and economically and is mortgaging its future to Beijing.  This was stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg during a press conference on Wednesday in Brussels after the meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council, UNN reports. 


NATO Secretary General said that Russia is losing political influence in its near abroad, has incurred more than 300,000 casualties and lost a substantial part of its conventional forces, and is under economic pressure. Russia is now "weaker politically, militarily and economically… year by year, Moscow is mortgaging its future to Beijing" he said.

Stoltenberg concluded that "all of this underlines Putin’s strategic mistake in invading Ukraine".

At the same time, speaking about the situation on the ground, he emphasized the significant progress Ukraine has made this year, both on land and in the Black Sea.

To recap,

Stoltenberg expressed confidencethat Ukraine will become a full member of the Alliance.

Julia Shramko



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