
Ministry of Economy to establish Supervisory Boards in Vocational Training Centers by the end of the year - Svyrydenko

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Yulia Svyrydenko announced the creation of Supervisory Boards in the vocational education centers of the Employment Service by the end of the year. The boards will be composed of business representatives to better align training programs with the needs of the labor market.

First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Economy Yulia Svyrydenko, said during a roundtable that the Ministry of Economy is initiating the creation of supervisory boards in the centers of vocational education of the state employment service and they will start working by the end of this year, reports UNN correspondent .

We want to create supervisory boards that will consist of businesses, the business environment, so that businesses can also calculate programs, calculate needs, and accordingly select specialists who will be employed

- Svyrydenko says.

According to her, the problem of human resources in Ukraine is estimated in millions.

Today I want to say that we will create these supervisory boards by the end of the year, and I will ask you to actively participate in their work and really look at them, to understand and see how we can adjust their work so that it is not for 24 thousand workers, but for a much larger number, because we have at least partially managed to solve the problems

- She added.


As reported earlier, a new experimental government project has been launched in Ukraine to provide combatants and people with disabilities caused by the war with free vocational training.


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