
Kremlin political technologists arrived in the occupied territories of Ukraine - The Resistance Center

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Kremlin political technologists are in the occupied territories of Ukraine to ensure high support for Putin in the fake "elections," the National Resistance Center reports.

Kremlin political technologists have arrived in the temporarily occupied territories, and their task is to is to draw a turnout for the "presidential elections in Russia." About This was reported by the Center for National Resistance, UNN reports.


The Kremlin has already decided on the numbers they are going to draw in support of the the dictator. According to the occupiers' plan, the international criminal Vladimir Putin should should get 80% of support for the TOT, with a similar turnout.

The pseudo-expression of will has a propaganda purpose, as if to demonstrate the "legitimacy" of the dictator's rule and his Nazi policies on the part of the TOT population,

- the statement said.

It is noted that the task of political technologists to organize a show and hide the lack of turnout, as well as instructing members of election commissions to falsify the vote.


Russian occupiers intend to integratethe occupied territories of Ukraine the occupied territories of Ukraine into their legal system by the end of the year, despite personnel problems.

Росіяни вивозять українських дітей на пропагандистські заходи до Москви – Центр спротиву23.12.23, 01:25

Olga Rozgon



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