
Kosovo gets visa-free regime with the EU

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Kosovo receives a visa-free regime with the EU's Schengen area, which is seen as an important milestone after years of effort.

Partially recognized Kosovo was the last country in the Western Balkans to receive a visa-free regime with the EU. This was reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country, UNN reports.

Starting midnight tonight, Kosovo passport holders can travel visa-free to the Schengen area - an achievement after years of hard work

- the statement said.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine emphasize that  visa-free travel will bring key benefits to citizens of both sides, strengthening Kosovo's relations with the EU.


The Council of the European Union has adopted new rulesthat will will allow people planning to travel to the Schengen area to submit an online visa application.

Бельгія розпочинає головування в Раді ЄС: підтримка України є одним з пріоритетів01.01.24, 14:37

Pavlo Bashynskyi

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