
Iranian human rights activist Narges Mohammadi receives Nobel Peace Prize

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Narges Mohammadi, an activist imprisoned in Iran, received the Nobel Peace Prize, and her children accepted the award on her behalf in Oslo. Mohammadi was recognized for her fight against the oppression of women and the protection of human rights in Iran.

On behalf of a 51-year-old woman in Iranian prison on charges of "spreading propaganda against the system," her children Kiana and Ali Rahmani accepted the Nobel Peace Prize at Oslo City Hall. This was reported by. UNN with reference to Euronews.


Nobel Peace Prize Nobel Peace Prize 2023, awarded to Narges Mohammadi, was presented to her children, as the human rights activist is imprisoned in Iran on charges of "spreading propaganda against the system."

The Nobel Committee announced in early October that Mohammadi would receive the prize "for struggle against the oppression of women in Iran and for the promotion of human rights and freedom for all". According to the committee, Mohammadi has been arrested 13 times and convicted five times - a total of 31 years in prison and 154 lashes. She has repeatedly reported sexual violence and other abuses in the notorious Evin Prison in Tehran.

It is also Mohammadi's two 17-year-old children reportedly read out her message. On the on the stage from which the speech was read, an empty chair was left on purpose, which symbolically intended for Mohammadi.

The human rights activist said she was grateful to the the Nobel Committee for awarding this prize and expressed hope for a speedy transformation of Iran:

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Tyranny is an endless, boundless evil that has long cast its dark shadow over the lives of millions of people. Tyranny turns life into death, blessings into sorrow, and consolation into torment. (...) The people of Iran long for democracy, freedom, and equality. In their quest to achieve these goals, they have consistently used non-violent protests and civil resistance, seizing every opportunity to build a society based on peace, prosperity and development. (...) With hope and readiness, together with the resilient women and men of Iran, I extend my hand to all forces, movements and people who are committed to peace, respect for human rights and democracy. I am confident that the light of freedom and justice will one day shine over the land of Iran. And at that moment, we will celebrate the victory of democracy and human rights over tyranny and authoritarianism.

- Mohammadi's letter reads.

As a reminder

Today, December 10, is the International Human Rights Day . It was on this day in 1948 that the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

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Pavlo Bashynskyi



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