
Industrial facilities and buildings in Kirovohrad region damaged by enemy drones

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A hostile drone attack in the Oleksandriya district of Kirovohrad region damaged private industrial facilities and residential buildings, causing a blast wave that smashed windows and damaged roofs.

An enemy drone attack at night in the Oleksandriya district of Kirovohrad region caused damage to private industrial facilities and residential buildings, due to a blast wave that smashed windows and damaged roofs, the head of the Kirovohrad Regional Military Administration, Andriy Raykovych, said on Monday, UNN reports.

In Kirovohrad region, a nighttime enemy drone attack in Oleksandriya district damaged private industrial facilities and residential buildings around

- Rajkovic wrote on Telegram. 


According to him, the blast wave smashed windows and damaged roofs.

There has been no information about the victims, Rajkovic said.

Під час нічних атак ППО знищила 17 з 22 російських безпілотників "Shahed"18.03.24, 08:05


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