
In response to the attack on the US base, the United States strikes at Hezbollah facilities in Iraq

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The United States attacked Hezbollah militants' targets in Iraq in response to attacks on U.S. bases in Iraq and Syria and injuries to its military. In particular, three Americans were wounded in an attack on a base in Erbil, Iraq.

The United States has carried out strikes on three Hezbollah targets in Iraq in response to an attack on US US military bases in Iraq and Syria. According to UNN, this is stated in a statement by US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on December 25.

By order of by President Biden, the U.S. military conducted necessary and proportionate strikes against three targets used by Kata'ib Hezbollah and affiliated groups in Iraq. in Iraq. These precision strikes are in response to a series of attacks on U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria. personnel in Iraq and Syria by Iranian-sponsored militias, including an an attack by the Iranian-affiliated Qaeda Hezbollah and related groups groups on the Erbil air base

- the statement reads.

According to the statement, three American servicemen were wounded in the attack in Erbil, one of whom is in critical condition. One of them is in critical condition. condition. Austin added that the United States does not seek to escalate the conflict, but will take the necessary measures to protect its own interests.

Хезболла погрожує ескалацією атак на американські бази на Близькому Сході10.12.23, 06:43

Anastasia Ryabokon

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