
In Kyiv, the TCC staged a "raid" in an elite restaurant: "majors" are given summonses

 • 121334 переглядiв

In Kyiv's Veranda na Dnepre restaurant, security forces conducted counter-sabotage measures, handing out summonses as part of a military record check.

A video from a Kyiv restaurant where diners are being handed summonses a video from a Kyiv restaurant, where visitors are handed out summonses by men in military uniforms. UNN received the position of the Security Service of Ukraine on what is happening in the capital's bar, 

Employees The SBU, together with units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Migration Service, are conducting counter-sabotage security measures in the capital. As part of the inspection of public institutions, which has been taking place for the third day in a row, the following are being checked persons potentially involved in illegal activities. At the same time, representatives of the TCC are conducting checking Ukrainian citizens liable for military service who may violate the rules of military registration.

- the SBU commented on the situation.


Videos and photos from a well-known bar in the center of of the capital's famous bar.

Special forces dressed in pixelated uniforms move around the bar to club music. They communicate with visitors, mostly men. At the same time, women are being photographed, and take selfies against the background of what is happening.

Tatiana Salganik



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