In the village of Trebukhiv, a young man in the midst of a family quarrel struck his girlfriend's father twice in the head with his fist. From now on, he faces up to 15 years in prison for his actions. This was reported by the press service of the Kyiv region police, UNN reports .
Law enforcement officers at the scene found that a quarrel had broken out between the 19-year-old and his girlfriend. To protect his daughter, the 36-year-old man went outside, where he was stabbed twice in the head by the suspect. Unfortunately, the victim died on the spot from his injuries.
Investigators served the offender a notice of suspicion over the infliction of intentional grievous bodily harm that caused the victim's death (Part 2 of Art. 121 of the Criminal Code).
The court imposed a custodial measure of restraint on the suspect. The suspect is currently in a pre-trial detention center.