
In early 2025, the Baltic states will be disconnected from the energy system of Russia and Belarus

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In February 2025 , Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia will disconnect their power systems from the unified system with Russia and Belarus. This is reported by UNN with reference to a joint statement of the Baltic states, which was published by the Lithuanian Ministry of Energy.


The ministry explained that on July 10, the energy ministers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania confirmed their intention to synchronize with the ENTSO-E continental European power system and disconnect from the Russian and Belarusian ones.

They appreciated the progress report and stated that preparations for the synchronization of the Baltic power system with the European one are going according to plan.

In the coming weeks, the Baltic transmission system operators will inform the other parties of their joint decision not to renew the contract with BRELL

- The statement reads. 

After that, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia will test the operation of the isolated system and synchronize it with the continental European grid in February 2025.

For reference

BRELL is the synchronous mode of operation of the power systems of Belarus, Russia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (at a single frequency of 50 Hz), which was established on the basis of an agreement of February 7, 2001 and is named after the first letters of the names of these countries.

Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia are the last EU member states that have not yet joined the continental European power grid. Nevertheless, in the spring of 2022, the Baltic states completely stopped importing Russian electricity.

Volodymyr Omelchenko

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