
In 2023, the hundred largest retailers paid UAH 28 billion in taxes on their employees' salaries - EBA

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In 2023, 102 companies that are members of the Ukrainian Retailers Association paid more than UAH 28 billion in taxes to the budget in the form of mandatory payroll taxes for 393 thousand employees.

Last year, 102 retail companies paid more than UAH 28 billion in taxes to the budgets of all levels in the form of mandatory payroll taxes alone. This was reported by the Association of Retailers of Ukraine (RAU), according to UNN.


In 2023, the 102 retail companies that are part of RAU paid more than UAH 28 billion in taxes to the budget in the form of mandatory payroll taxes for their employees alone. This includes personal income tax and military duty in the amount of UAH 13.2 billion, as well as a single social security contribution of UAH 14.8 billion.

Across the industry, these figures will be much higher, as all employers and private entrepreneurs have to pay the unified social contribution for themselves and their employees. The unified social contribution for employers is based on the amount of wages they pay to insured employees. In turn, individual entrepreneurs pay the unified social contribution depending on their income

- RAU reports.

The RAU also notes that the retail industry remains one of the largest employers in the country even during martial law. Last year, representatives of the Association united 393 thousand employees.


The blockade of the Polish-Ukrainian border will lead to higher prices for various goods on the Ukrainian market, including food, clothing, and alcoholic beverages, and cause losses of up to 100 million hryvnia per week for large retail chains.

До 40% повертається у вигляді податків при купівлі українських товарів26.02.24, 13:43

Iryna Kolesnik



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